Gold MYR 415.76 / g
Silver MYR 4.58 / g
MYR 1.00 = USD 0.22
  • Why risk storing your valuable bullion at home?
  • Mercury Gold allows you to keep physical bullion or MBS Grams in our secure storage for a small fee. Your gold and silver are held securely at a bank, and you may withdraw your bullion or MBS Grams at any time. Do note that MBS grams are subject to conversion in multiples of 50 grams only.  
  • There are no additional fees for the withdrawal and conversion of MBS Grams!
  • Don't waste sleep worrying about if your bullion is safe at home!

Storage Charges


  • Daily minimum storage fee:
  • MYR 0.05 for combined total storage of physical and digital bullion. The minimum fee applies in case the total calculated daily fee is below MYR 0.05. Customer accounts holding no bullion are exempted from the minimum fee.
  • Storage charges are invoiced end of March each year or when you convert or withdraw your bullion - whichever takes place first. 
  • For example, if you store gold bullion weighing 100 grams and silver bullion weighing 1,000 grams, your calculated daily storage charges are computed by multiplying against the respective annual storage fees in the chart above.
  • This is calculated by [100 grams * (MYR 2.48/365) = MYR 0.68] and [(1000 grams/10) * (MYR 0.38/365) = MYR 0.10]. In this example, the total daily storage charges exceed the minimum so you will be charged at MYR 0.78 per day.
  • Storage fees are calculated daily based on total bullion savings as at 00:01 (GMT+8). Go to Account to view your accrued storage charges.
  • Late payment fee for storage charges:
  • A late payment fee of MYR 15 will be incurred if storage fees are not paid within 30 days of invoice.
  • Annual storage charges below MYR 1.00 do not need to be paid and will be accrued in your account.